Surfmats - Bodysurfing - Bellyboarding - Paipo & all the weird shit in between
The Fringe Surfing world.
not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme.
Fringe Surfing encompasses the communities interested in other ways of getting that stoke fired up be it Matsurfing, Bellyboarding, Paipo riding, Traysurfing, Bodysurfing and anything that you can take into the sea and get your slide on, the weirder the better!
We are a growing community of friendly surfers and sea lovers that often have meetups with an emphasis on fun, no ego, inclusive vibes no matter what your level of skill. We believe in party waves, high speed rides and hooting each other. We do not tolerate elitism or selfish wave hogging attitudes when we see each other in the water and hope this message will spread across the U.K and the World. There are already great communities of us in Newquay, Bournemouth, Wales and the North East as well as many fringe surfers in pockets of surf-soaked countries across the Globe getting inspired and involved.
Fringe surf shop sees itself as the hub and centre of this movement and we are more than happy to assist you in any way possible and share our knowledge in the different surf craft deemed to be fringe. We want to be the surf shop that really walks the walk and not just the talk and regularly lend out a myriad of toys such as Handplanes, trays, mats and have a free Bellyboard hire scheme in partnership with local makers Dick Pearce that generously donate their boards each year.
If you have an interest in trying something out or coming along to our super friendly meets, get in touch either on here or via our social media and we will do our best to help as much as we can…
You will need a pair of decent swim fins. We stock Dafin which we consider the best all round and most comfortable, but if you have a half-decent pair then use them. Of course, it is going to help if you are a half-decent swimmer, drowning is frowned upon, but whether you are content with being in the whitewater or are coming out the back to shred, you are going to need the basics such as wetsuit, socks, hood and gloves in winter and in summer just a wetsuit or not even that, a pair of budgie smugglers will do if you are feeling all Hasselhoff!!!
2nd.. Choose your weapon
What is it you want to try? Matsurfing is by far the most difficult, Bellyboarding the most accessible, this encompasses paipos or any wood you choose to surf. Bodysurfing is not as difficult to do as you might think, this includes using fast food trays, handplanes or going purist with just your hands. If you come by the shop I`ll lend you a handplane to try, no worries.

If you find your surfing getting stale or want to mix it up and become a more rounded waterperson and surf the right equipment for the right conditions then try fringe surfing, it`ll change your life…