We started Real Surfing Magazine in 2015. We wanted the publication to be about the real-life surfers that we meet every time we go surfing. The surfers that we meet in the water, or getting changed in the car parks, the ones we meet when travelling or at work.
The usual names and the same faces that you see in the surf magazines all the time are all well and good, but we also want to see and hear about the passionate surfers who will not get coverage in the magazines, but have equally something or even more so to say about the lifestyle we are all living.
We want to remember the free thinking alternative side to our culture, as a means to give something back to our surfing community of which we support and believe in strongly.
We at RSM do not have much interest in covering the pro tour and there are plenty of other publications covering that subject matter and endless pics of kids doing airs does not reflect the way we look at surfing. We prefer an old school format with intelligent insightful stories, photos, opinions, historical documentation and figures, as well as interesting local surfers.
We are not doing the magazine for big profits. Page after page of adverts for us is not what we want to see in our magazine. We prefer honest content for our readers, not bulking it out with endless ads.
For myself, as editor, I first picked up a surfboard some 35 years ago and have been travelling the world extensively for most of these. I have managed to meet some incredible surfers both professional and everyday folk.
Some material in this magazine may cause you to laugh, cry or become angry. It is never our intention to offend or belittle anybody. However, we would ask you to keep an open mind.
Thank you for your support!